Sunday 24 June 2012

Number Two!

Yummy Vegemite!
I am SO overwhelmingly proud of my little man today! Yesterday he did a couple of wees on the potty which I thought was extraordinarily amazing, but today I sat him on there and he did a number two!!! I told him to 'push with his tummy' and I made a couple of grunting noises (like he makes when he's filling his nappy). He giggled and then pushed and grunted for a second or two and there it was!! I couldn't believe my eyes! What a clever boy!

It made me so proud of all of the kids I know with Down Syndrome who continually smash stereotypes. I marvel at them all. I watched a video recently of one of my friend's little boys who is about the same age as Felix. There is a new playground near his house which he can climb like a champion. When he gets to the top  he throws himself head-first down a twisty slide. I know a lot of 'typical' kids the same age who would be too scared to even try to do that! He is amazing to watch! (Way to go, Liam x x x)

Blue cupcakes....Mmmmm!
These kids are so bright and so capable. Yes, they will struggle in certain areas and not pick things up as quickly as other children sometimes, but the things they can do, they can do incredibly well. If a person with Down Syndrome becomes obsessed with the 'Lord of the Rings' movies, they will probably not only be able to tell you all the characters names, but also the actors. They will know who wrote the musical score and details about where it was filmed. People with Down Syndrome will amaze you if you give them a chance.

Felix had another party to go to today. This time it was at Hungry Jacks (Burger King). He doesn't usually get given take away food so he made the most of it. He was the only child at the party who ate his entire Happy Meal and then wolfed down a cupcake with electric blue icing. It's a wonder he didn't have a sugar rush!

It was good to catch up with some of the girls I used to go to Playgroup with. They were keen to know what Felix had been up to and he had smiles for them all. What I love the most about the girls is that they always treat Felix exactly the same as all the other kids. They never talk down to him or in simplified language (which some people have done). They asked which meal he wanted to eat and what he would like to drink, instead of looking at me quizzically and asking if kids with Down Syndrome are able to eat (again, another past experience).  They invited him to join in the games and play with their children. I can't thank them enough for their inclusion and acceptance of Felix.   Thanks girls x x x

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